Hotel Patrizia

Recommendations and hotel reviews for South Tyrol

Your recommendation
is our reward.

If you enjoyed your holiday with us in South Tyrol so much that you would like to share this experience with your friends and family at home, we would like to give you something back. To thank you for your loyalty and feedback we would like to reward you with an exclusive 50-euro gift voucher for a treatment or beauty ritual of your choice at our spa. Write us about your recommendation. Within three days’ after your friends’ check-in for a stay of three or more days, we will send you your personal gift voucher. We also appreciate hotel reviews submitted to our partners’ platforms!

Are you looking for a breathtaking gift?
Look no further! Our gift vouchers are also available for purchase online.

Our offers

Summer Time

13.07. – 26.07.2024

Summer time is the most indulgent time at Hotel Patrizia! Enjoy 5 % off your summer break in South Tyrol when booking a stay of 7days or more.
5 % off stays of 7 or more days